• Rocks & Minerals: The Definitive Visual Guide

Rocks & Minerals: The Definitive Visual Guide

  • Година на издаване:2023
    Език: Английски
    Корица: Твърда
    Страници: 360


    може да е при вас
     до офис на еконт: 30.07.2024
     до краен адрес: 30.07.2024 - 01.08.2024

Explore Earth's natural treasures, from their primeval origins to traditional uses and modern-day appeal with this illustrated guide to rocks, minerals, crystals, gems and more!

Featuring sparkling crystals, vibrant gemstones, and other precious materials often prized for their beauty, such as amber, coral, and fossils, this illustrated guide is sure to captivate every rockhound and budding gemmologist. 

Learn how to identify more than 450 rock and mineral specimens through beautiful photographs and key characteristics. Discover more about rocks and minerals through folklore and historical artefacts, and find out the fascinating stories behind some of the amazing natural treasures, including the Hope Diamond and the Great Mogul emerald. Plus there is information on polishing and displaying your finds to further equip you with all the knowledge needed to become a rock and mineral collector.

Dive deep into this riveting book on rocks and minerals to further discover:

- Comprehensive coverage of more than 450 specimens of rocks, minerals, crystals, gems and fossils.
- Expert text and high-quality images combine to make this an indispensable reference tool for every rockhound and budding gemmologist.
- Detailed reference panels provide key at-a-glance information for identifying specimens.
- Feature panels on folklore, historical artefacts, and famous gems tell the fascinating stories of rocks and minerals.
- Includes information on collecting and showing rocks and minerals

Practical advice on cutting, polishing, and displaying your finds further equips you with all the knowledge needed to delve into the arena of rock and mineral collecting.

Допълнителна информация
  • Поредица
  • Година на издаване 2023
    Език Английски
    Корица Твърда
    Страници 360
    Размери 0.800kg (19cm x 24cm)
    Категория Книги на английски език /  Encyclopaedias & Reference Works  /  Nature /  Книги на английски / 
    Код: 0240.95797
    ISBN/Barcode: 9780241600481
    Производител: DK
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