• Everywoman : One Woman's Truth About Speaking the Truth

Everywoman : One Woman's Truth About Speaking the Truth

  • Цена: 16.99 лв
    4.21 (100 ratings by Goodreads)
  • Автор:Jess Phillips
    Година на издаване:2018
    Език: Английски
    Корица: Мека
    Страници: 256


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     до офис на еконт: 30.07.2024
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Shortlisted for the Parliamentary Book Awards 2017

`Jess Phillips writes like she talks: brilliantly. Her humour and passion shine through every page. Loved it.' Robert Webb

If you're thinking, `Jess, who?' then I'm glad that there was something about `Everywoman' and `truth' that caught your eye.

Or you might already know me as that gobby MP who has a tendency to shout about the stuff I care about. Because I'm a woman with a cause, I have been called a feminazi witch, a murderer and threatened with rape. The internet attracts a classy crowd. 

So, speaking the truth isn't always easy but I believe it's worth it. And I want you to believe it too. The truth can be empowering, the truth can lead to greater equality, and the world would be incredibly boring if we let all of those people who allegedly know everything, say everything. 

By demanding to be heard, by dealing with our imposter syndrome, by being cheerleaders, doers not sayers, creating our own networks and by daring to believe that we can make a difference, we can. 

We're women and we're kick-ass. And that's the truth.

'Joyfully candid and very funny.' Guardian

'Jess Phillips knows the truth . . . and here she shows how scary and sad as well as joyful and liberating the answers can be.' Damian Barr

'Everywoman has all the laughs [of Lena Dunham and Caitlin Moran] with a backbone of real glinting anger . . .there were so many funny and wise things on each page that whittling them down into a review seemed impossible.' Julie Birchill, Spectator

'As fresh as mountain air amid the Westminster tumbleweed.' Metro

'Arresting.' Observer

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  • Jess Phillips
  • Поредица
  • Автор Jess Phillips
    Година на издаване 2018
    Език Английски
    Корица Мека
    Страници 256
    Размери 0.181kg (13cm x 20cm)
    Категория Книги на английски език /  Biography, Memoir /  Politics & Sociology / 
    Код: 0292.01443
    ISBN/Barcode: 9781786090065
    Производител: CORNERSTONE
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