Ever wondered what Santa gets up to the rest of the year? You'll wish you hadn't! For 364 days of the year Santa has bugger all to do. The elves do all the manual labour and these days he orders all the presents online. All he has to do is deliver them. So, for the rest of the time he is bored out of his tiny mind. Dave Cornmell's brilliant and inspired comic strip is an irreverent and incredibly rude look at Santa's real life featuring an hilarious cast of characters including Mrs Claus, the elves, reindeer, a variety of arctic wildlife, Santa's bath toys and some maggots. Find our where Santa goes on holiday, what he does with his bin bags, what he watches on telly, how he copes when his wife goes away and whether or not the rumours are true about him and Vixen. Whatever your idealised image of Santa may be, the truth is that he's just a bored fat bloke who hates his job. Get used to it.