• Two Great Novels: Career Girls. The Movie

Two Great Novels: Career Girls. The Movie

  • Цена: 13.90 лв
    4.06 (24 ratings by Goodreads)
  • Наличност: Изчерпано
  • Автор:Louise Bagshawe
    Език: Английски
    Корица: Paperback
    Страници: 440
CAREER GIRLS Rowena Gordon, an upper-class young English girl, and Topaz Rossi, a feisty American, meet and become the best of friends at Oxford. Both are determined to succeed in their chosen careers - Topaz as a journalist and Rowena as a scout for the music industry. But their friendship turns to rivalry when they fall out over a man ...THE MOVIE Screenwriter Megan Silver is a waitress in an L.A. burger joint, but she has an idea worth a million dollars - if only she can get someone to read her script. Supermodel Roxana Felix is the richest, bitchiest catwalk queen of them all. But she wants to be a movie star and she'll let nothing get in her way. Studio president Eleanor Marshall is the most powerful woman in Hollywood, yet her life is not complete. Three women, and the movie that will bring them all together...
Допълнителна информация
  • Louise Bagshawe
  • Поредица
  • Автор Louise Bagshawe
    Език Английски
    Корица Paperback
    Страници 440
    Размери 0.750kg (20cm x 13cm)
    Категория Книги /  Книги на английски език /  Fiction / 
    Код: 0276.00143
    ISBN/Barcode: 0752859617
    Производител: ORION
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