• The Penguin Book of Ghost Stories

The Penguin Book of Ghost Stories

  • Цена: 26.99 лв
    3.68 (1246 ratings by Goodreads)
  • Наличност: Изчерпано
  • Автор:Michael Newton
    Година на издаване:2010
    Език: Английски
    Корица: Paperback
    Поредица:Penguin Classics
    Страници: 464

'The ghost is the most enduring figure in supernatural fiction. He is absolutely indestructible... He changes with the styles in fiction but he never goes out of fashion. He is the really permanent citizen of the earth, for mortals, at best, are but transients' - Dorothy Scarborough 

This new selection of ghost stories, by Michael Newton, brings together the best of the genre. From Elizabeth Gaskell's 'The Old Nurse's Story' through to Edith Wharton's 'Afterword', this collection covers all of the most terrifying tales of the genre. With a thoughtful introduction, and helpful notes, Newton places the stories contextually within the genre and elucidates the changing nature of the ghost story and how we interpret it. 

Допълнителна информация
  • Michael Newton
  • Поредица
  • Penguin Classics
  • Автор Michael Newton
    Година на издаване 2010
    Език Английски
    Корица Paperback
    Поредица Penguin Classics
    Страници 464
    Размери 0.318kg (13cm x 19cm)
    Категория Книги на английски език /  Fiction /  Thriller, Crime, Mistery / 
    Код: 0240.01558
    ISBN/Barcode: 9780141442365
    Производител: PENGUIN BOOKS
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