• The Fortunate Pilgrim

The Fortunate Pilgrim

  • Цена: 16.00 лв
    3.86 (95 ratings by Goodreads)
  • Наличност: Изчерпано
  • Автор:Mario Puzo
    Година на издаване:1992
    Език: Английски
    Корица: 12
    Страници: 302
From the barren farms of Italy to the cramped tenements of New York, the immigrant families struggle with an adopted life - none more so than the Angeluzzi-Corbos. At their head stands Lucia Santa, wife, widow and mother of two families. It is her formidable will that steers them through the Depression and the early years of the war. But she cannot prevent the conflict between Italian and American values - nor the violence and bloodshed which must surely follow...
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  • Mario Puzo
  • Поредица
  • Автор Mario Puzo
    Година на издаване 1992
    Език Английски
    Корица 12
    Страници 302
    Размери 0.180kg (18cm x 11cm)
    Категория Книги /  Книги на английски език /  Thriller, Crime, Mistery / 
    Код: 0292.00517
    ISBN/Barcode: 9780099417996
    Производител: ARROW BOOKS
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