• Don't Look Now and Other Stories

Don't Look Now and Other Stories

  • Цена: 15.90 лв
    3.88 (1196 ratings by Goodreads)
  • Наличност: Изчерпано
  • Автор:Daphne Du Maurier
    Година на издаване:2006
    Език: Английски
    Корица: 12
    Поредица:Penguin classics
    Страници: 272
John and Laura have come to Venice to try and escape the pain of their young daughter's death. But when they encounter two old women who claim to have second sight, they find that, instead of laying their ghosts to rest, they become caught up in a train of increasingly strange and violent events. The four other haunting, evocative stories in this volume also explore deep fears and longings, secrets and desires: a lonely teacher who investigates a mysterious American couple; a young woman confronting her father's past; a party of pilgrims who meet disaster in Jerusalem; and a scientist who harnesses the power of the mind to chilling effect.
Допълнителна информация
  • Daphne Du Maurier
  • Поредица
  • Penguin classics
  • Автор Daphne Du Maurier
    Година на издаване 2006
    Език Английски
    Корица 12
    Поредица Penguin classics
    Страници 272
    Размери 0.000kg (20cm x 13cm)
    Категория Книги на английски език /  Fiction /  World classic /  Contemporary Fiction / 
    Код: 0240.00465
    ISBN/Barcode: 9780141188379
    Производител: PENGUIN BOOKS
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